Friday 25 September 2015

Let's talk: What I plan on sewing next!

Do you ever find that you have lots of ideas and very little time? Well that's me at the moment. My heads buzzing with ideas but I'm pretty sure I won't get round to completing half of them for at least another year. Scary or what!

Either way I've got a list which I thought I would share with you today and see if you have any suggestions, or if you think that maybe one of these ideas is just a repeat of the others. Also if there's anything you would like to see on this blog, then let me know and I'll see if I can get around to it.
Currently I'm working on the following:
A quilt (yes that's right, me with all my limited time decided to start a quilt about 2 months ago)
A present for my cousins birthday, which I'm seriously close to finishing.
What I would like to make:
A winter coat.
Pyjama bottoms for both me and my sister.
Find something to do with my ever growing pile of scrap fabric.
Some house shoes.
A Christmas present for my cousin.
Christmas presents for my friends.
I think that's everything! It doesn't seem like a lot when I write it down like that, so maybe it is achievable. Who knows! Do you have a list of things you want to make or are you the one project at a  time person?
I hope this has inspired you!

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