Thursday 24 March 2016

The Joys of Productivity

It's almost Easter! In fact it's good Friday tomorrow, which means that there are lots of events going on at my local church.During the week before Easter the church that I go to team up with other local churches to create a series of out reach events. One of these events was a craft evening that I went to with my Mum.
 Although I may have seemed a bit anti-social with my sewing machine in the far corner, I still found the fellowship amazing. Being surrounded by not only people who share the same hobby but also the same passion for Christ is truly wonderful.
During this time I was also able to finish two sewing projects that had been on my 'needs to be finished' pile for a year or two (or maybe even 3). Yes, you heard that right, I finished a top about 3 years after I first started it!
But at the end of the evening I was so joyful, that not only had I been productive, when it came to my 'needs to be finished' pile but I'd also been productive in finding out more about Jesus (thanks to the amazing speaker).
So this got me wondering, what are your traditions at Easter? Do you follow lent and if so how's that going for you?
And as always,
I hope this has inspired you!

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